I happen to be one of those people that cry...a lot. I cannot help it, lord knows I have tried to keep my tears at bay, but that just makes the situation worse, oh, and ugly, and red,
yes definitely very ugly and red.
I cry when I'm sad, when I'm mad, when I'm happy, when I hear certain songs, during insurance commercials on TV, while reading books, during movies.......alright, alright we get it.
Wait, I'm not done. The biggest reason I cry is my kids. Not because of worry. Not because of fear. Not in some ohmygoshwhathaveIgottenmyselfinto kind of way. (I probably cry for these reasons as well, but that's a whole other topic my peeps.) The reason is something I don't even know if I can put in words, but simply it's love. Love for who they are, their strengths, their weaknesses, their past, their future, their perfect imperfections. It must be a girl thing because my girls are baby cry's too.
It happened to me this morning.
I did not know when I woke up this morning that in less than two hours I would be fighting the urge to keep tears from spilling over my cheeks, biting my tongue to keep from all out sobbing. But I should have, and here is what caused my anguish.
This little buddy started Kindergarten today.
I was doing so good too. Until this part.
This is where the floodgates opened.
I cried.
I cried because it hurt.
I cried because I had to let a piece of my heart continue on his journey,
no longer could I keep this one all to myself.
I buried my head in Mark's shoulder as he quietly comforted me.
It took me a minute but I pulled myself together.
I raised my head and I saw this.
By my calculations I've got three years until the next Kindergarten breakdown.
2012-you may want to send reinforcements.
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